Kumul Minerals Holdings Limited (Kumul Minerals) is a company established and incorporated under the Companies Act 1997. Under the Kumul Minerals Holdings Limited Authorization Act 2015 (Kumul Act):
- We are authorised to operate as a commercial enterprise that principally participate in the mineral sector in Papua New Guinea and abroad.
- We are not an instrumentality of the State and our assets are not public assets.
- We are the nominee of the State to exercise the State option in new mining projects.
Our Trustee Shareholder is the Prime Minister of the day. Our vision, mission, and core values underpin our Business Objectives to create wealth for our shareholders, the people of Papua New Guinea.
The core business of Kumul Minerals covers the entire value chain of the mineral sector. We are a player in the upstream, midstream, and downstream businesses of the mining industry.
Kumul Minerals holds sixty-seven percent (67%) of the shares of the giant Ok Tedi Copper Mine and is the majority shareholder. We also own thirty-six percent (36%) of the Porgera Gold Mine.
Our Strategy is to participate with Strategic Partners in any horizontal and vertical integration of the mineral business.
Our primary focus is on Precious and Base Metals, with high value in the global market.
We will promote and foster the equator principles in operating mines that we have an interest in.